☆It's not a requirement to read this Guide, but it'll make the process easier/faster on both ends!☆Whenever you're ready for your commission, start by DMing me.
I prefer Twitter or Reddit, but feel free to message me on any of my social media.
Please remember that I'm a human too, let's treat each other with kindness and respect.If I have slots open, I'll start by asking what you have in mind for your Commission.
☆ First I would need to know:
Type of Commission: Illustration, Comic, Character Sheet or Animation.
For Illustrations: Sketch, Lineart, Flat color or Shaded.
For comics: How many pages? Will it require a script or a Cover?
For animation: Still/GIF, Rough or Full Animation.
☆If there will be a background.
☆If there will be more than one character.
☆How much of the characters will be visible (Headshot, Half Body or Full Body).
With this I can already estimate a Base Price.
After knowing the basics, I would also need to know what will the characters be doing, their poses and which outfits will be wearing, also if there will be any props.
This can increase the Base Price depending on how complex these details are.
If you don't know how to explain your Commission idea with words, you can always use reference pictures (I encourage Collages/Mock ups for this but it's not a requirement!).
DON'T use references with real people. Illustrations or CGI models are ok.
DON'T tag me if you share the final NSFW piece, I only request tags on SFW.
If the Final Price sounds good, I will ask for an email so I can send an Invoice for the payment of the project.Once I recieve the payment, I'll start working on the Commission
and my next message will be the first update ready to be reviewed or if I have any questions!
You can ask for an update at any time, but I prefer to send them when each step is ready, mostly because I could still be figuring it out what to do.E.g.: I may have the poses wrong and deciding how to fix them.For the rest of the commission process, I will be sending updates of each finished step, adjustments or requested updates.
Once the Commission is finished, I will send the final piece via e-mail.And when I confirm you recieved the Final Piece the Commission Process would be over.If you agree to me sharing the piece, you have up to one month to change your mind.


Since I consider myself a begginer when it comes to animated commissions, I'm not offering Shading or Storyboards atm.And for complex actions (such as fights, dancing or complex camera work), I would have to decline or request both an increase in the Base Price/Deadline.


It includes:
☆Front View.
☆Flat colors.
☆3 expressions.
☆Extra details. E.g.: Patterns, close ups, etc.
I'm also open to do different types of Character Sheets, for example I could replace the 3 expressions with a third view of the character, replace the close ups with shading, etc.


There's a lot of things that could increase the Base Price of a Commission, so it's better to discuss about it than to assume it would/wouldn't add to the price.A few examples would be:
☆Complex/Multiple props. Think something like motorcycle or spell particles everywhere.
☆Complex outfits. Something like heavy armor or gacha game designs.


THE ONLY "won't dos" that I'm actually willing to do are Gruesome Gore and Complex Perspectives. These will also mean an increase in the Base Price.-For Gruesome Gore, please DON'T use real images and be careful with your words.
I'm extremely squeamish so this things could be triggering for me, specially if it involves nails or skin.
I'm OK with drawing it for the most part, since I'm the one creating it... but still, be careful.
I WON'T under any circunstance draw something that could be hurtful to any minorities or people in general.I can do silly jokes depending on the context. For example, I could work on a comic where someone says "That's so gay!" only if the character and client are part of the LGBTQIA+ community or a SUPPORTIVE ally, and I know for sure is a comic intentionally made for the community and not against it.I'm part of the LGBTQIA+ community and I find myself joking like this with my friends so I understand that, I just want to make it clear that in my opinion there's stuff we shouldn't joke about and some themes are reserved for their own communities.


For both Adjustments and Deadlines, I do everything I can to ensure the Commission will be finished on time and that I won't have to adjust it too many times.In cases where the adjustments are mistakes on my part, it won't mean an additional charge.Up to 3 free of charge changes. Each additional change will be charged depending on complexity.I encourage adjustments to be made during the Sketch stage, please take your time reviewing the updates.And something else to consider is that excessive adjustments could mean that the initial deadline will have to be extended.